Sunday, August 24, 2014

Let me sum up...

When last I blogged, I was about to turn 40...that was over a year ago.  So much has happened in that year+...

Let me sum up.

I turned 40--not so bad.
My boys started 1st and 4th grade.
My husband accepted a new position with a new company in a new state.
We prepped, listed and sold our home of almost thirteen years.
We bought our new house in Iowa before we sold our old house in Missouri, even though we said we'd never do that...
My boys finished 1st and 4th grade and on that same day we moved from our home of almost thirteen years and our town of almost 23 years to our new home, our new town, our new state.
We have been unpacking since June--may finish by year's end...
I turned 41--still not so bad.
My boys have started 2nd and 5th grade.
My husband continues to love his new job.

In the meantime, HandstampedOriginals has continued to grow and keeps me very busy.  In addition to my production schedule (and the aforementioned unpacking), I am working on launching my own website/online store.  Stay tuned.


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