Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Birthday Project Update: Part 2

So, I'm turning 40 this month--one week to go--and my goal is to pull off 40 little ways to bless others.  I got this idea from The Birthday Project.

In addition to the 3 Rebox surprises my boys helped me leave earlier this month, I have:

4.  Surreptitiously paid for the order of the person behind me in the Taco Bell Drive-Thru line.
5.  Left a surprise (one baggie with a package of microwave popcorn & $1--enough to rent a movie from Redbox) at another local Redbox kiosk.
6.  Left cookies and a note for our mail carrier.
7.  Left another Redbox surprise.
8.  Added a surprise personalized piece of jewelry to an order placed by an expectant mama for this mama, who was ordering gifts for her mother (grandma-to-be) and aunts.
9.  Donated furniture to LOVE, Inc.
10.  Added a surprise personalized piece of jewelry for another mama-to-be who was ordering a piece for her mom, the nana-to-be.

Stay tuned for more updates on the final 30 blessings.  I'd love to hear your ideas or ways you've randomly blessed others!

Have a great week!


Friday, July 5, 2013

My Birthday Project Update

So, I'm turning 40 this month and I've decided to come up with 40 ways to bless others,  a la The Birthday Project.  Missed that post?  Read about it here.

This week my boys helped me leave 3 gifts at one of the local Redbox kiosks--each one a baggie with some microwave popcorn, 4 quarters (enough for one movie from Redbox), and a note:

We taped the baggies on the side of the kiosk with much glee!  The boys let me snap a quick pic:

Hopefully, three unsuspecting people had their day brightened just a bit when they went to rent a Redbox movie!  And, hopefully, I'm reinforcing a spirit of giving in my boys.  Kindness, even in simple gestures, warms the heart--of both those receiving it and those extending it!


Monday, July 1, 2013

Have you heard about The Birthday Project? I'm trying it out...

Have you heard about The Birthday Project?  I'm a big fan & I'm trying it out!

Here's their mission:

The mission of The Birthday Project is to create a shift in the way people from all walks of life think about and celebrate their birthday (and other milestones).  The Birthday Project serves as a source of information and inspiration on the infinite ways to do this, including highlighting lesser-known charities, insight on party/event ideas, tips on charitable giving, testimonials from both those participating in this movement and recipients of random acts of kindness and much, much more.

I love reading about others' creative ways to use random acts of kindness to celebrate the milestones in their lives.  July is my birthday month--and I'm turning the big 4-0, baby.  So, rather than wallow in the last 40 years, how I've spent them, and how I'll spend my time left (which is, frankly, my usual M.O.), I've decided to create my own Birthday Project.  During the month of July, I'm performing 40 acts of kindness to celebrate my soon-to-be 40 years!  I intend to get my family involved (although they don't know that yet).  Stay tuned for pics & deets.

Here's the text for the calling card I've created to accompany surprises I'll be leaving in various places for others to discover:

Hi there!  I’m turning 40 this month & 
I’m celebrating by giving to others!  
Have a great day!

In the meantime, today's our first real day of "summer" (read: first weekday since summer school let out).  We're in full-Lego mode around here.  How about you?

Have a great day!